This company has found the best way to invest on the planet

This company has found the best way to invest on the planet

Ocean vegetation growing as far as the eye can see. No feed addition. No inputs in the water; no fertilizers or antibiotics. It sounds too good to be true, right? I know! But it’s happening in the west coast of Canada. And that is just the beginning.


Cascadia Seaweed is one of the big players in shfting the way we grow protein. At Cascadia they grow seaweeds, aka sea vegetables, macroalgae or ocean vegetation, regardles of the way it’s called, it’s not the last time you hear about it. Far from it.


Now you may ask, why? What’s so incredible about growing seaweed? And why is Cascadia such an important game player in Canada?


Well, first they have 30ha of seaweed farms and intend to scale up to 100ha in the upcoming years.


Second, there are the ecological reasons:


  • Carbon sequestration
  • Oxygen production
  • Water quality improvement
  • Habitat creation
  • Biodiversity increase


And just as important, Cascadia also have seaweed-based products such as snacks and spices, and are working to make more impact by entering the feed supplement and biostimulants sector.


Plus,they work closely with first nation communities from Canada’s west coast.


That brings ecological, social and economic development and opportunities to coastal communities who are known to have strong ties with the ocean and want to harvest value from it by creating a positive impact.


If you want to learn more about Cascadia and the work they are doing:

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